What to Know About Custody Schedules During the Summer

Are you currently deciding on a custody schedule for your kids, but wondering what to do about the summer when your children will have more time off? Some states have rules about summer custody visitation schedules to give non-custodial parents more time to see their children. Here are some of the things you need to know when figuring out a child custody schedule for the summer.

Non-Custodial Parent Custody Schedule

There are a few things that will be different about custody during the summer that every non-custodial parent needs to be aware of. If you live in a state like Texas that has special rules for the summer, you will be given 30 days of visitation during the summer that you can spend with your child with as little interruptions as possible. You can either take these 30 days all at once or separate them into two periods that are at least 7 days long. 

You must notify your spouse in advance to schedule when you'll have custody of your child, if not, the law may dictate the specific custody dates that you get. This will typically take place in the month of July, so make sure that any request that you have is put in with your spouse by the state-mandated deadlines. 

Custodial Parent Custody Schedule

As the custodial parent, you will still get some visitation during those 30 days where the non-custodial parent has visitation. For example, if the non-custodial parent has custody for the entire month of June, then the custodial parent is allowed to request a weekend of visitation during that 30 day period of custody. If you are a custodial parent that is a dad and time is requested during the month of June, you can also receive custody on Father's Day and not have it count as your visitation weekend. 

Much like how the non-custodial parent must give notice on the days that they want to seek custody, the same notice must be given by the custodial parent on the days they want to have custody. If not, it may default back to what was initially agreed upon in the divorce decree in terms of custody during the summer months. 

If you feel a bit confused over the special rules that come into play during the summer visitation schedule, then meet with a child custody lawyer to ensure that you are doing things properly. They can advise you on if you and your former spouse are following the rules and treating each other fairly. 

420 Words

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Your Family Deserves a Good Lawyer You love your family. You want your kids to have what is best, and you are willing to fight for them to the very end. Thankfully, there are professionals out there who are able to support you and do the same. They're called family lawyers. Although they typically handle a lot of divorce cases, you can call upon them for other family-related legal needs, too. They oversee adoptions, draft custody agreements, and so much more. We hope you will read the articles on this blog, which delve deeper into these topics. You'll emerge knowing more about hiring such an attorney.



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